I never realized how cool podcasting was. I did a search for sports on Podcast.com and results for ESPN and Sporting News was there. So I was stoked. I was watching some stuff on the Dallas Cowboys and Oakland A's, so I was on the site for quite a while. I can really see how great this site is because we are able to look up almost anything and was able to find something on it.
I really liked this assignment because it was very similar to youtube. I feel like I could use this site often.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Maybe it's just me again, but I'm getting confused by this site. It just seems like it's a search engine for blogs. It was impossible for me to find my blog because it kept saying my username didn't match so I just gave up trying to claim my blogger blog. ANYWAYS, Technorati seems that it could be useful, but I don't see myself using it much. The video was quite helpful in explaining its uses too.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I can see how useful this site can be and how it can make searching for resources easier. I still don't really understand it though. I am not the most technologically sound indiviudal, so maybe this is why I feel like I am having trouble with this site. Anyways, I can see how it can be useful because it allows others to see what you research or have looked up based on certain keywords. I still think Google is sufficient for me, however.
You Tube!! and my bullfight
This is a video of a bullfight in Thornton in October of 2006. This is pretty much what I do during the bullfight. I am the third guy in line, and end up in the middle of the shot just before we let the bull go.
I realized a while ago there are quite a few videos of us doing our thing, which is kind of cool. I find myself going onto Youtube quite often and just look up weird stuff, usually when someone tells me to find something. So this assignment was just another excuse to get on to it.
Enjoy the video!!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Google Docs
I wrote a quick introduction on the google docs page. Here is the link : http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=dc4ddvtf_1gttcnkcn&hl=en. I like how this works, I can see how useful it is. Rather than attatching documents and having the change of the file being corrupted, the document can just be posted and viewed by anyone. Although I seem the think that using email is better, I really think I could be using this a little more often when the time comes.
RSS/ Bloglines
After setting up and account with bloglines, I see how useful this account can be. It seems that this is completely set up for a person who is on the go. This can be easily set up onto a mobile phone, like a blackberry; so instead of spending all the time is takes to download the websites onto your phone, you can just go to your RSS account.
I usually just kinda surf the internet anyways, so I have never minded going to all the websites I usually visit. So I can't really see myself using it much, at least not yet.
I usually just kinda surf the internet anyways, so I have never minded going to all the websites I usually visit. So I can't really see myself using it much, at least not yet.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Web 2.0 Sites
I was looking at award winners for web 2.0 site. I didn't realize how many different kinds of sites there are that are considered "2.0." Sites such as craigslist, which I believe my roommate is addicted to for some reason, and even google maps fall under web 2.0. I use some of the listed sites regularly, especially google maps, and now twitter and facebook for this class. Some of these sites are even just newsfeeds and picture sharing sites, which is pretty cool. Even though I feel I don't use many of these listed sites, I find myself using some of them quite often.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Internet, Technology, and our everyday lives.
In the article of "Emerging Technologies Changing Public Library Service Delivery Models," I learned that libraries are using different internet services such as a wiki engine, blogs, and podcasts. I think that it is amazing how a libraby, which traditionally has books, is using these electronic resources to expand what they can do. Libraries can use podcasts to deliver information to the public. Wiki engines allow the library to give quick refrences of information to those in need. Blogs can also allow the public to view information posted by the library to possibly advertise to the public.
In the "Social Networking" article by Weaver and Morrison, I never realized how many social networks were out there. The list of networks is a very short list too. Some of the most popular sites in which I typically visit are social networking website; sites such as Myspace, Youtube, and Facebook. I also learned that Wikipedia is also a social network because it is a collaberative information site.
In the "Web, Library, and Teen Services 2.0" article by Bolan, Canada, and Cullin, I learned that the 2.0 moniker is a simple way to say "a new way of thinking" or new generation. The Web 2.0 is how we as a society interact with the internet, meaning that instead of looking at media and graphics, we are creating them and conversating amonst eachother. Web 2.0 can be used in the librabry allowing us to veiw podcasts, blogs, and wikis to improve the library experience.
Reading these articles have opened up a ton of ways the internet is being used these days to improve our everyday lives.
In the "Social Networking" article by Weaver and Morrison, I never realized how many social networks were out there. The list of networks is a very short list too. Some of the most popular sites in which I typically visit are social networking website; sites such as Myspace, Youtube, and Facebook. I also learned that Wikipedia is also a social network because it is a collaberative information site.
In the "Web, Library, and Teen Services 2.0" article by Bolan, Canada, and Cullin, I learned that the 2.0 moniker is a simple way to say "a new way of thinking" or new generation. The Web 2.0 is how we as a society interact with the internet, meaning that instead of looking at media and graphics, we are creating them and conversating amonst eachother. Web 2.0 can be used in the librabry allowing us to veiw podcasts, blogs, and wikis to improve the library experience.
Reading these articles have opened up a ton of ways the internet is being used these days to improve our everyday lives.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I think twitter is kinda lame... but maybe it's because it new to me. I kinda don't see the point of why everyone needs to know what I'm doing. Although it just came to me that if I don't want someone to know I don't have to post it. Anyways, I can see why it would be useful in a working environment. I use Microsoft Outlook at work and notices can be sent instantly, so I have become quite used to it. Well, I'll do what needs to be done and suck it up.

Using Flickr was pretty easy. It's very similiar to myspace or facebook. I'm not big on using either, but I do have accounts because it helps me keep in touch with friends from high school and college.
The image I chose to add to flickr is the one on the right. It was during a bullfight in Elk Grove and it was my first time going up front to grab a bull. I typically go third in line, so going first in line (in my home town) was a huge deal for me. Anyways... I need to get used to using all of this internet stuff, so I'm just trying to keep it simple :)
Friday, May 9, 2008
The Rundown
So.... My name is Kevin and this is for grad school. I'm not going to lie, I wish I was done with school May of 2007, but continuing my education will let me advance in my profession.
I am a Certified Athletic Trainer at a high school in Madera. I love working with the kids there, but they can be a pain in the butt. I play soccer, softball, snowboard, and I bullfight... yes bullfight. I walk out inthe middle of a traditional Portuguese bullfighting arena, and grab the bull by the horns and bring it to a stand-still. It's fun, I meet all kinds of people, and I see all kinds of neat injuries; which helps me as an athletic trainer I think.
I love sports. I play them and watch them. Soccer, football, and baseball are the top three. Going to games are so much fun and a great way to escape the stressed of real life, until you look at the bill for the weekend.
Anyways, that's me, kinda. But have fun with this!!
I am a Certified Athletic Trainer at a high school in Madera. I love working with the kids there, but they can be a pain in the butt. I play soccer, softball, snowboard, and I bullfight... yes bullfight. I walk out inthe middle of a traditional Portuguese bullfighting arena, and grab the bull by the horns and bring it to a stand-still. It's fun, I meet all kinds of people, and I see all kinds of neat injuries; which helps me as an athletic trainer I think.
I love sports. I play them and watch them. Soccer, football, and baseball are the top three. Going to games are so much fun and a great way to escape the stressed of real life, until you look at the bill for the weekend.
Anyways, that's me, kinda. But have fun with this!!
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